Vitamain B Deficiency Make Bad Breath. Disorder bad breath may sound trivial but it's pretty disturbing. Some things are known as can cause bad breath, one of which was due to deficiency of
vitamin B. Eating chewing gum or use mouthwash only provide a temporary solution, because it does not treat the underlying cause. In addition diligent brushing sometimes not enough.
About 10 percent of cases of bad breath does not originate from the mouth, but due to lack of vitamin B that causes bad breath originating from the stomach.
Vitamin B complex helps the body make energy from food. When the body lacks this vitamin is the enzyme that is produced to help digest food and reduce bacteria in the blood will be reduced.
This condition causes an increase in 'waste' in the blood that lead to bad breath. Symptoms of deficiency of vitamin B complex which include dizziness, migraines and diarrhea.
The same thing is also found in the results of research studies that found Evelyn Roehl lack of vitamin B3 (niacin) will cause bad breath due to the reduction of metabolic processes in the body. Generally, adults should consume 14-16 mg of vitamin B3 per day.
In addition to vitamin B deficiency, there are also some other causes such as food (onions, meat, milk, sugar, eggs, coffee and alcohol), smoking, having a dry mouth disorders as well as oral hygiene and bad teeth.
To overcome this problem in addition to vitamin B, can reproduce a drink to prevent dehydration and dry mouth, avoiding food triggers bad breath, use a mouthwash that contains folic acid, if bad breath is due to inflammation in the gums as well as consult a doctor if still bad breath arises.